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Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-20 um 22.24_edited.jpg

Why Art?

Art isn't so easy to define. As a sculpture, as a picture, as a collage, as gift packaging, as lived interior decoration; so multi-faceted I deal with it in a recurring irregularity. With an open heart, an eye for detail and not commonplace; inspiration is always and everywhere. Their implementation is a process of detachment, processing or a new beginning...

Creativity played an important role in my life early on

Rather irregularly, but nevertheless again and again I convert my experiences, inspirations and fantasies in creative form. Processing, holding or releasing; a great process which fulfills me and gives me the strength for new things. In 2002, after my work at the national exhibition 'Expo.02', I created my first picture compositions.

Nice that I can take you for a moment in my world of colors and implementations.


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